With a list of guest that is incredibly impressive:
Comic book legend - Jim Steranko! (via wikipedia) Steranko's most famous comic book work was with the 1960s superspy feature "Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D." in Marvel Comics' Strange Tales and in the subsequent eponymous series. Steranko earned lasting acclaim for his innovations in sequential art during the Silver Age of Comic Books, particularly his infusion of surrealism, op art, and graphic design into the medium. His work has been published in many countries and his influence on the field has remained strong since his comics heyday. He went on to create book covers, become a comics historian who published a pioneering two-volume history of the birth and early years of comic books, and to create conceptual art and character designs for films including Raiders of the Lost Ark and Bram Stoker's Dracula.
He was inducted into the comic-book industry's Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame in 2006.
Another legend - John Totleben: (via wikipedia) His first success in American comics, and still his best-known work, was as the inker of pencilled art by Stephen R. Bissette for the DC Comics title Swamp Thing, when the series was being written and reinvented by Alan Moore; Totleben and Bissette joined the series in 1983[3] shortly before Moore. Totleben's style was unusual for the time, and is still distinctive among U.S. comics artists, for its fluid layouts and heavily detailed rendering using a combination of stippling and hatching. He also painted covers for the series inoils and acrylic, and continues to be a popular cover painter. Totleben inked the story in Swamp Thing #37 (June 1985) which introduced the John Constantine character.[4]
Beginning in 1988, Bissette and Totleben co-created and edited the horror anthology Taboo. Taboo showcased a wide range of writers and artists, from mainstream to semi-underground, and is best known as the original venue for the acclaimed graphic novel From Hell.[5]
Totleben's most ambitious comics project was with Moore again, on the third volume of Miracleman, which he pencilled and inked. Response to his art was so strong that Eclipse Comics retained him as the series' sole artist after changing artists several times in the previous volume despite delays caused by his newly diagnosed eye disease, retinitis pigmentosa.[6]
Though Totleben's eye condition has made him legally blind, it has left his central vision clear enough for him to continue working in his usual style, but much more slowly. He has illustrated a number of titles for DC and Marvel Comics,[3] and worked on Moore's satirical Image Comics series 1963, in which he was described as "'Jaunty' John", the blind "inker without fear".
Marvel and DC Comic Artist Ken Lashley who has worked on DC comics Doomed, and has been named the new X-Men artist after the Secret Wars story line ends. http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/06/18/will-ken-lashley-be-the-new-x-men-artist-after-secret-wars/
While others may be excited about meeting one of the older legends for me, meeting Lashley the man who will be doing the art on a book i'll be buying is a huge thrill.
Also at the event in the Artist Alley section will be yours truly, John Kindelan, and the rest of the Under the Hood Artists Crew. We will be selling our art, talking about some future projects as well as putting on some presentations showing off our skills. Check out the Under the Hood Artists web site as well as our Facebook page for more details. Also, keep an eye on The BOOM Page as it returns all this week to give some sneak peeks as to what is coming to the Buffalo Comicon 2015!