Hello everyone, and welcome to another installment of The BOOM Page 2.0 and its countdown to Buffalo Comicon. Today we have with us local Buffalo artist and special guest at the Con on October 5th, at the Marriott Hotel on Millersport in Amherst, Jeff Perdiziak. Go ahead and introduce yourself Jeff and give us a little of your art background/history.
Well… I'm Jeff Perdziak… and I'd like to think of myself as an artist. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. I was the "art guy" in High School. Went to R.I.T. for a year and took foundations courses in all different types of art. Since then I've done everything from pencil drawings of animals to paintings, to sculptures, to t-shirt designing, to a life size painting of a train on the side of a bowling alley. My fun art for me has always been my comic books. Which is why I was so excited to hook up with Emil and Visions.
The life size train sounds amazing, I've always wanted to do a giant mural. Do you have anyone who is an artistic influence or any thing else that has influenced you artistically?
Was never really one to remember artists names when I was younger… and still to this day I find myself remembering the artwork more so than who did it. But looking back at my youth, John Buscema was a huge influence on me loving comics and wanting to draw them.
Tarzan and Conan were a big pull for me. As life would have it, my comic world was put on hold from time to time. But the one guy that pulled me back into that world was Jim Lee. His work on X-men was very inspiring to me! After that I followed him over to IMAGE comics and was just amazed at all the artists that were there.
Over the years my vision of what comics should be and the way stories should be told artistically pushed me into the art of Graham Nolan. His style and ability to tell a story is just outstanding! He would be my comic book art influence to date. As far as being influenced as an artist over all… the gratification of seeing people enjoy what ever type of art I do.
Sounds like you and I have some similar influences, one of my first books I collected was the Savage Sword of Conan, the artwork and anatomy just sucked me in, and then I too became a huge fan of Jim Lee, it's that realism combined with a comic book style that makes it so appealing. So what projects have you worked on in the past?
I've done all kinds of projects, it's hard to remember them all. A lot of work I do is commissioned pieces. I've painted a 20 foot by 20 foot SUN mural in a home. A Spiderman mural in a bathroom, believe it or not. Done many portrait drawings for people. I've created logos for companies. I also spent some time designing uniforms for Triathlon clubs. I've painted some images for Greg's U-pick farm in Clarence. An 8ft tall Frankenstein Monster. Painted on plywood and then jig sawed out. Did several other cut outs as well for them. They still use them to this day during the fall season for decoration. I painted a mural on the Clarence Farmer's Market store front. Some animals making it look like they are inside the building, and right across the street from that is the West Shore railroad Mural. A 16 ft x 67ft painting of a train on the side of the Clarence Bowling Academy. There's so many other projects…. it's hard to remember them all!!
That is so cool that you've done so much commission work, I'm jealous, what are you currently working on?
Currently I'm working with a group called AWARE ( Association for Wild Animal Rehabilitation and Education. ) They rescue animals, heal them up and send them back to the wild. I created a line of artwork for them. Pencil drawings of the animals they frequently deal with. They sell the images on t-shirts to help raise money for the group as well as sell 8 x 10 prints of the art.

Right now I'm right in the middle of working on the finished pencils for issue one. With Mark McElligot, from Visions, helping me out with layouts. His input has been priceless!
And the jealousy continues to grow, I can't wait to see you at the Buffalo Comicon, what will you be doing there?
At Buffalo Comicon I'll have a table to display my comic book art and give people a sneak peak at The Menagerie and it's story. And to share the artwork I have done so far. I'll most likely have some other art with me as well. And of course shop for some stuff!!
So how did you get involved with the Buffalo Visions Group?
I started with the Visions group in it's latest rebirth. Emil Novak Sr. pulled me in. In the Anthology #1 I had a 6 page short printed for The Menagerie. I help out on line with the Facebook page from time to time with advertising events we'll be at. As well as share the art I've been working on. I've attended several events at the public libraries, with Visions, that have been showcasing comics and Superheroes. Visions will actually be at the Clarence Library this weekend the 27th showing our stuff! What I hope to achieve with the Visions network, which I like to call it, is to be inspired by others and in turn inspire them. And to create comics!
Since it is a Comicon we will be at, let me ask some comic book questions, do you enjoy main stream comics from the Big 2 or are you an Independent person?
For a while Top Cow was the place I hung out at. The Darkness was one of my favorites as well as the WILDCATS by Jim Lee. But my heart and mind belongs to Superman and the Justice league over at DC. Currently enjoying reading The New Invaders from Marvel too. Namor, Captain America, Winter Soldier, and Torch! So I suppose I'm a BIG 2 kinda a guy. But I am open to anything creative! But for the most part… it's DC for me.
I was all about DC until the new 52 but I completely understand, do you have favorite characters from each of the Big 2 and or an Independent.
At DC…. like I mentioned, it's Superman for me. I have this clear idea who he is and what he stands for. He's very inspiring for me. Growing up Dick Grayson was my favorite. Robin. My dad used to call me "The boy wonder". Loved The Darkness from Top cow back in the day. Marvel… I'd have to say Namor… enjoying reading the Invaders right now with him in it.
With the big insurgence of comic book movies, if you could own one prop from a comic book movie, what would it be?
A prop from a movie… interesting question…. I think a crystal from the fortress of solitude would be way cool to have! Or Thor's hammer!
What if you were given one professional opportunity for a major comic company what would you want it to be?
I would love to have the shot at drawing a Superman story for DC. Or perhaps Tarzan.
What are you most looking forward to at the Buffalo Comicon on October 5th, (from 10am to 5pm, at the Marriot Hotel on Millersport Highway in Amherst)?
Looking forward to seeing the 100's of fans walking through the place. All with a common love for comics! And sharing The Menagerie with people! See what they think! Nothing better than sharing who I am with people… an artist, who loves comics!