Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Evolution of a Batman Sketch

My latest art project that I've put upon myself is a Dark Kinght Sketchbook, I got the idea from an actual sketchbook they're selling at Barnes and Noble for about $15.00

Its your standard sketchbook and I thought, how cool would it be to get that and fill it with Batman sketches and other things and then sell it at one of my shows. But then I thought why pay $15.00 when I could pay $7.00, get a standard black sketchbook from the same store and just fill that with Batman sketches and then update the cover myself.

So that's what I've done, I started with a brief inscription in the beginning of the pad and then went on to start with the origin of Batman pic and then onto some detective work drawings. From there I plan on going to some bat cable swinging pics, then some fighting, and then on to the rogues gallery and the Batman family.

Don't expect any vehicle drawings I'm not a real technical type of guy when it comes to art.

Here's an example of how I get to a final drawing.

1. Start with a reference, I went with a CSI drawing to get some good criminal investigation going on

2. I didn't really do a layout of this, just did it kinda quick and focused so much on the upper body, that the lower body came out terrible. Scratch this one and rip it from the pad.

3. Since I couldn't find a good reference I went and made my own.

4. From this picture layout the sketch

5. From there add Batman details.

For more of my art click the BOOM Art tab to get to my Deviant Art page.